This simple formula will help you to stay mentally strong during tough times.

Life is a challenge, not simple enough to handle. And, of course, we’ve all had our share of life — albeit good, bad, ugly, or even the ridiculous. Life is stress. So whether you’re dealing with a severe health issue, a relationship saga, or even one of life’s tender benders, know that these tough times are inevitable. And in these tough times will your mental strength be tested. Mental resilience, according to psychologists, is being able to handle stress in times of uncertainty. And while life’s inevitable challenge might put you in self-doubt and anxiety, don’t let lose of your mental strength just yet. To stay mentally strong during life’s tender benders, simply follow the ABC formula.

Related media: How to Build Mental Strength | Mental Toughness

Mental Resilience 101


A: Accept Reality


B: Behave Productively


C: Control Upsetting Thoughts


Building Mental Resilience


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Written by: Nana Kwadwo, Sat, Mar 05, 2022.

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