Here’s how you can overcome constant emotional and mental health struggles.

Lately, an essential part of well-being is our emotional and mental health. Although these topics are broad and would take a lifetime (just kidding!) to explain and understand, it is essential to note that while we may not have everything working well in our lives, we need to remember to keep our chins up and high. The issue of mental and emotional well-being has taken up many spaces and is still being talked about mainly because of the subtle yet brutal effects they have on us.

Good thing is, mental and emotional well-being are somewhat linked and if you can find your way around them, you wouldn’t have to bother about the next major breakdown you might experience. This is because this time, you would be more prepared to handle them maturely without breaking them into pieces.

Here, we will briefly talk about what mental and emotional well-being are, why it is important to not joke about them, and yes, how to overcome any struggles coming from these areas.

Related media: Emotional Well-being Affects Personal Growth | Simone Cox | TEDxPointUniversity

Emotional And Mental Well-Being?

Emotional and mental well-being refers to an individual’s overall sense of satisfaction, happiness, and positive psychological functioning. It involves the ability to manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively, and to feel good about oneself, one’s life, and relationships. Emotional and mental well-being also encompasses resilience and the capacity to cope with stress and adversity, as well as the ability to maintain a positive outlook and experience a sense of purpose.

In general, people with good emotional and mental well-being have satisfying relationships, feel confident and optimistic, have a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives, and can manage stress and cope with life’s challenges. On the other hand, poor emotional and mental well-being can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, stress, and dissatisfaction with life. Now on to the pressing question: what to do when struggling with emotional and mental well-being?

Basic Things You Need To Put In Order First!

There are many different strategies that can help individuals deal with emotional and mental health struggles, and what works best can vary depending on the individual and the specific situation. However, some common ways to support emotional and mental well-being include:

Practicing self-care: This simply includes engaging in activities that promote physical and emotional health, such as exercise, sleep, and healthy eating. No two ways about this pals, you always come first!

Talking to someone: Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional can provide a supportive outlet for your feelings and help you work through your struggles. Many people underrate this because of trust issues but keeping these feelings inside won’t do any good either. Find yourself confident and vent all your issues to this special person.

Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall well-being. If you catch yourself sulking over those negative energies, jolt yourself back to earth and remind yourself why you deserve all the amazing things in the world!

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Engaging in activities you enjoy: Pursuing hobbies, creative activities, or other leisure activities can help improve your mood and provide a sense of accomplishment. Interestingly, this works like magic. Find yourself some purpose and excitement and watch as all these bad vibes fade away. You might as well thank me later!

Building healthy relationships: Connecting with others, developing and maintaining supportive relationships, and seeking help when needed can greatly improve emotional and mental well-being. Nothing beats a good and healthy relationship with friends, family, or co-workers. All you need to do is to surround yourself with people who constantly remind you of how blessed you are.

Challenging negative thoughts: Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques can help you identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that may be contributing to your emotional struggles. For instance, keeping a daily record of your thoughts, engaging in simple reality tests by questioning the validity of negative thoughts and beliefs by looking for evidence that supports or contradicts them, and reframing by changing the way you think about a situation or experience by considering alternative perspectives.

Seeking professional help: If your emotional and mental struggles are persistent or affecting your daily life, seeking help from a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or counselor, can be extremely beneficial.

You Are Not Weak, Just Stressed!

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It’s important to remember that emotional and mental health struggles are common and treatable, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. The earlier you seek help, the easier it can be to address and overcome emotional and mental health struggles. This can prevent the struggles from becoming more serious or persistent over time.

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Written by: Clara Momade, Wed, Feb 15, 2023.



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